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Maximising the impact of partnerships for the SDGs. A practical guide to partnership value creation


The purpose of this guidebook is to support organisations and partnerships to maximise the value created by collaboration towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The guidebook deconstructs what “value” means and the types of value that partnerships can create. It also explores the range of partnerships that can be established and how the nature of the partnership influences the type of value created for the partners and for beneficiaries. Understanding these issues in greater detail should support organisations in the process of identifying, designing and managing effective partnerships that deliver the greatest value, and to think more ambitiously and creatively about how they partner. This is a practical guide focused on maximizing the value of partnership and not a comprehensive exploration of cross-sector partnerships. It is intended to complement and extend other more detailed accounts of the principles and practice of cross-sector partnership.

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Available in English

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Case studies and best practices

Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning: Local Economic Development (LED) series Volume 1

Available in English

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Posted by Local2030

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