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DSTO: "Introduction to Sustainable Development" so that more people know about sustainable development

Concept notes and papers

DSTO is Sustainable Development for ALL, so that we all know about sustainable development. The main objective of "Introduction to sustainable development" is that more people know what is happening on the planet, what can be done to save it and at the same time have a good quality of life. Let more people know about Sustainable Development. With the above, create a knowledge environment where the inhabitants of a place discuss and exchange ideas and / or proposals that contribute to creating a more sustainable place.

Related Publications

Local implementation of the SDGs & the New Urban Agenda - towards a Swedish national urban policy

Available in Español

This report highlights the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It particularly illustrates how the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG11) can be integrated with the New Urban Agenda (NUA). It...

Developed by Global Utmaning

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Towards a more participatory, open and transparent Euskadi

Available in Español

This case study presents the process promoted by the Basque Government to develop a framework for action shared for different administrations, social partners and citizens, through the development of...

Developed by Eusko Jaurlaritza – Gobierno Vasco

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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