Case studies and best practices
Transparency, accountability and citizen participation are transversal actions that integrate public management with citizenship from an active perspective, reinforcing democracy and institutional governance. Under this premise, the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz and the Citizen Council for Planning in Ethics and Transparency, on July 24 and 25, 2017, organize the 1st International Congress on Innovative Practices in Municipal Transparency. This document - "Memoria", published with the collaboration of UN-HABITAT, synthesizes the initiatives and good practices of sub-national governments presented in this Congress, which represents an interesting input for the improvement of transparency capabilities, accountability and citizen participation.
Available in Español
Getting Started with the SDGs in Cities outlines how cities can get started with implementing the SDGs in cities and human settlements. The handbook provides general principles and processes that will...
Developed by Sustainable Development Solutions Networ...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in Español
The Roadmap for localizing SDGs is a tool for local governments to participate and strengthen their role in the achievement of the SDGs in Asia Pacific. This short document provides key figures, exa...
Developed by United Cities and Local Governments Asia...
Posted by UCLG ASPAC
Tools : Raising Awareness