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Gender Equality and the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: Baseline and Pathways for Transformative Change by 2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This report provides the first SDGs assessment of the situation of women and girls in Asia and the Pacific. It identifies data gaps and underscores the necessity to accelerate production and use of gender statistics for evidence-based SDG localization.

Related Publications

Early views of ASEAN's "Frontrunners cities" on the SDGs and Local Data Management

Available in English

This policy report analyses how “frontrunner” cities in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries are localizing the SDGs. The report notes that, while national governments are incorpor...

Developed by Institute for Global Environmental Strat...

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Local and regional economic development (LRED) toolkit: A Participatory Approach for Building Sustainable Local Economies

Available in English

The Toolkit starts by providing an overview of the essential characteristics of the approach and placing it in the context of the concept of systemic competitiveness and green growth. Chapter 2 discus...

Developed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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