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Local spaces for dialogue and multisectoral participation for the territorialization of the SDGs

Concept notes and papers , Available in Español

This document describes the methodology used by the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative to territorialize the SDGs at the local level through participatory and multisectoral dialogue spaces.

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Localizing development : does participation work?

Available in Español English

Promoting participation through community development projects and local decentralization has become a central tenet of development policy. The World Bank alone has invested about $85 billion over the...

Developed by World Bank

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Concept notes and papers

The Mobilisation of Sub-National Revenues Is a Decisive Factor in the Realisation of the 2030 Agenda

Available in Español English

This paper addresses theses and recommendations discussed in the scope of the 5th International Workshop on Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (13-14 September 2016) at the German Development Institute /...

Developed by German Development Institute / Deutsches...

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Concept notes and papers

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