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SDG Goal 11 Monitoring Framework: A guide to assist national and local governments to monitor and report on SDG goal 11+ indicators


A guide to assist national and local governments in their efforts to collect, analyze, validate data and information in view of the preparation of country-based reports. This “Monitoring Framework” provides the use of necessary definitions, method of computation and metadata of indicators, including spatial indicators. It also includes global, national and local monitoring to support the implementation of SDG Goal 11 targets.

Related Publications

From Agenda to Action: the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Helsinki 2019

Available in English

This Voluntary Local Review describes how the Helsinki City Strategy connects with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and how the City promotes and monitors their implementation.

Developed by City of Helsinki

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Raising Awareness

Setting the Scene in Asia for SDGs Implementation at Local Level: Focus on SDG 8 – Local Economic Development

Available in English

This publication is a culmination of presentations,  discussions, and lessons learned during UCLG’s “Regional Workshop on SDG Learning Agenda for Local Government in the context of South-South and Tri...

Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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