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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

Building open, transparent, responsive and inclusive cities

Concept notes and papers

The White Paper on Transparency and Open Government: Building open, transparent, responsive and inclusive cities is a White Paper prepared by the Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) together with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) as a voluntary contribution to enrich the discussions of the Urban 20 process.

Related Publications

Libro blanco de democracia y participación ciudadana para Euskadi. Un punto de partida

Available in English

Este Libro Blanco de Democracia y Participación ciudadana quiere ser una propuesta compartida para la generación de valor público responsable en Euskadi. Por coherencia con este objetivo, hemos constr...

Developed by Eusko Jaurlariza - Gobierno Vasco

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Territorial / Multi-Stakeholder Approach

A practical guide to Social Audit as a Participatory Tool to Strengthen Democratic Governance, Transparency, and Accountability

Available in English

This Practical Guide analyzes social auditing experiences around the world and extracts important lessons that intend to provide practical guidance to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and oth...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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