The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) works with local authorities to translate the sustainable development objectives at the local level. To this end, it has developed a set of local SDG indicators (also available on this platform), which are accompanied by this manual. The aim of the document is to use indicators to monitor how municipal actions and objectives contribute to achieving the SDGs.
Available in English
This report focuses on a particular challenge that city leaders face in hacking the SDGs—data. Gaps in data that are generated locally or disaggregated from national sources to the local level are wid...
Available in English
These materials are the result of a collaborative process between teachers of different educational levels belonging to the Network of Teachers for Development (network coordinated by the AECID and th...
Developed by Agencia Española de Cooperación Internac...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Capacity Strengthening