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Local Action to Global Replication: How Sub-national Data Efforts Support SDG Achievement

Case studies and best practices

In 2018, the Local Data Action Solutions Initiative (LDA-SI) launched a microgrant program aimed at developing sub-national solutions for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) monitoring. In this synthesis report, learn about the shared experiences and contextual differences of SDG localization in Aruba, Brazil, Colombia, England, India, and the United States.

Related Publications

Voluntary Local Review: New York City’s Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Available in English

Following up on New York's first Voluntary Local Review released in 2018, this document constitutes the city's second review for the year 2019. This report contains the progress and challenges faced b...

Developed by City of New York

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Peg. Tracking progress, inspiring action

Available in English

The City of Winnipeg has launched a municipal data portal to benchmark progress and inspire action aligned explicitly with the SDGs. Peg’s tagline is “Tracking Progress, Inspiring Action.” Peg is a...

Developed by International Institute of Sustainable D...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation

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