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Survey Results Note: The key contribution of regions and cities to sustainable development

Case studies and best practices

This document reflects the results of the survey conducted by the CoR and the OECD on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional and urban level. The survey participants have been drawn from representatives of local and regional authorities as well as other stakeholders at the local and regional level.

Related Publications

Guide: Enterprise, contribute to Sustainable Development Goals!

Available in English

Businesses are a key player in the implementation of the SDO. Without replacing the States, they can contribute to their scale and based on their heart of business, the success of this agenda in 2030...

Developed by B&L éolution, Global Compact France, CNC...

Posted by Sylvain Boucherand

Tools : Raising Awareness

Guide to Municipal Finance

Available in English

This Guide to Municipal Finance describes the current issues in municipal finance and the ways in which local governments finance services and infrastructure. It sets out a basic economic framework th...

Developed by United Nations Human Settlements Program...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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