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Community Currencies as means of Local Economic Empowerment

Case studies and best practices

Community currencies have emerged as a tool for building more inclusive local economic development and governance. Grassroots organisations in Nairobi and Mombasa (Kenya) have been experimenting with this form of local monies. Communities in informal settlements in Kisumu have shown interest in introducing their own community currency. Challenges remain concerning the best diffusion strategy of such grassroots monetary innovations among communities and local governments. This policy brief focuses on how to involve residents, civil society, small entrepreneurs as well as local government officers and politicians so as to increase local representation and participation in this grassroots innovation.

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Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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The article analyzes the characteristics of the new generation of cooperation platforms for local development, as well as the main theoretical and practical concepts that Such as the construction of t...

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Concept notes and papers

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