Guidance and systemization of experiences
The Guide is meant to support UNDP Country Offices in countries considered as fragile or already affected by high levels of violence, instability and/or conflict (including post-conflict countries). The Guide can help these Country Offices define strategies, umbrella programmes and projects that more effectively help realize the potential of local governance for peace and recovery. To this end, the Guide provides concrete programmatic recommendations, a framework for action, toolkits and UNDP specific management advice. Yet, as the Guide starts with proposing a theory of change to address the fragility and local governance nexus, it can also be useful to policy specialists outside of UNDP, in development agencies or partner country institutions.
Available in English
This guide has been developed to help inspire and guide local authorities to implement activities at the local level aimed at achieving the MDGs. It was designed to bring the MDGs “home”...
Developed by United Nations Human Settlements Program...
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
America is the world’s richest large economy, with the world’s leading technologies and institutions of higher learning. Yet, the United States of America (U.S.) is falling behind other countries on a...