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Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning- Volume 2: Manual

Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Français

This Manual is the second volume in the series on Promoting Local Economic Development (LED) through Strategic Planning. The Manual is designed as a resource guide to walk stakeholders and local LED planning team, step by step, through a strategy planning process. It provides a framework for how to get started, analyze the local economic situation of cities, towns and communities, and reach a consensus on LED priorities, objectives, strategies and actions. The process in the Manual is developed around ten steps to planning excellence, and each of these steps is explained and illustrated in detail. The manual can be used to facilitate a stakeholders participatory strategy planning process for LED, but also to design and conduct training workshops. The four-volume LED Series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations prepared to initiate and implement LED interventions through locally owned and driven strategic planning process.

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