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Localizing Public Services and Development: The Local Public Sector’s Role in Achieving Development Goals in Health and Education

Guidance and systemization of experiences

The study seeks to answer several key research questions: how big is the local public sector in different countries, and what is the composition of local public sector expenditures in health and education? In their pursuit of the MDGs, to what extent have development partners and donor agencies relied on the local public sector in order to improve MDG-relevant public services? Have public sector resources (and when possible, development resources) for MDG-relevant services remained stuck at the central government level? What does the data set suggest about the relationship between local public sector spending and sectoral development outcomes? What is the potential for improving specific sector development outcomes (in education and health) if more funds are channeled through the local public sector?

Related Publications

Local support for global challenges

Available in English

The publication offers an inventory of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets, outlining what local governments can do to achieve them. For cities, municipalities and public ce...

Developed by Association of Flemish Cities and Munici...

Posted by Hanne Albers

Tools : Raising Awareness

Roadmap for Localizing the SDGs: Implementation and Monitoring at Subnational Level

Available in English

This roadmap aims to support local and regional governments and their associations to implement and monitor the SDGs and to influence national policy-making with a view to creating an enabling environ...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Raising Awareness

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