Tools , Available in Français
Urban planning agencies are tools, that have developed in a variety of forms throughout the world, depending on differences in context both territorial and institutional. They offer new responses to the need of multi-institutional and multi-key player partnerships for shared knowledge, the drawing up of urban policies and operational projects that are both evolving and long-lasting. This guide proposes ideas to help local stakeholders to create urban planning agencies that can serve as useful bridging points for communities working towards implementing the new urban agenda. This guide describes different types of agencies and opens up a discussion about the benefits of creating an agency. The central theme of the work is illustrated by a non-exhaustive overview of different urban planning agencies around the world, covering such varied areas of work as planning, territorial projects, development, knowledge, monitoring, governance, co-production and capacity building. A method showing how this public engineering tool can be created step-by-step is also described, aimed at local authorities whose work may range from the preliminary preparation of public policy to the evaluation of projects, which have already been implemented. Furthermore, the work of planning agencies can also involve national networks offering the opportunity to work collectively, and to share and pool information.
Available in Français English
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Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in Français English
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