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Reference framework for Policy Coherence for Development in the Basque Country

Tools , Available in

Policy Coherence to advance towards a more human and sustainable development is a challenge for all governments and administrations, from which the Basque Government cannot absent itself. The Basque Government believe that it is necessary for a greater understanding of the problems which affect us, and for an improvement in the carrying out of our responsabilities. For this reason, the Basque Government is publicly committed to promoting government action which takes as its frame of reference the considerations put forward herein, proposing the necessary changes so that PCD can be only a principal source of inspiration for public policy, but also an operative formula to confront current challenges under better conditions, both a domestic and international levels

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

2016 Synthesis of Voluntary National Reviews

Available in English English

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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