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Ambassadors Peru Agenda 2030

Case studies and best practices

The Ambassador Program Peru Agenda 2030 seeks to strengthen the process of building capacity and actions of CSOs in the framework of Agenda 2030 to involve and local citizens in the process of implementation and monitoring citizen of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Since the program seeks to gather relevant information to visualize the contributions of CSOs in the process of Peru by 2030 and promote educated and empowered participation of CSOs, leading to a process of sustainability for the implementation of the Agenda.

Related Publications

Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning – Local Economic Development (LED) series Volume 3 – Toolkit: tools to support the planning process

Available in Español

The Local Economic Development (LED) series is a resource for local governments, businesses and civil society organizations to help them initiate and implement local economic development interventions...

Developed by United Nations Human Settlements Program...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Designing inclusive and accountable local democratic institutions: A Practitioner’s Guide

Available in Español

This Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Inclusive and Accountable Local Democratic Institutions is the first of its kind to provide an overview of the current range of local representative arrangements...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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