Case studies and best practices
The Ambassador Program Peru Agenda 2030 seeks to strengthen the process of building capacity and actions of CSOs in the framework of Agenda 2030 to involve and local citizens in the process of implementation and monitoring citizen of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Since the program seeks to gather relevant information to visualize the contributions of CSOs in the process of Peru by 2030 and promote educated and empowered participation of CSOs, leading to a process of sustainability for the implementation of the Agenda.
Available in Español
In 2015 the Region has started an overall effort of research, analysis and classification of Tuscany’s territorial cooperation experiences in view of better structuring and capitalizing on its decentr...
Available in Español
The paper specifically outlines the main steps taken in Colombia to mainstream and implement the Agenda as well as to follow up and communicate progress towards achieving the SDGs. It is based on offi...