In order to meet the challenges, to promote integrated and sustainable development in Tunisia and to alleviate territorial inequalities, the development strategy of the Medenine Governorate formulated in the Regional Five-Year Plan 2016-2020 (PQR) and integrating the National Five-Year Development Plan ) Is mainly based on four main strategic axes. These axes, aligned with the guidelines of the Ministry of Development of Investment and International Cooperation, made it possible to put in place an action plan (2016-2020), which counted on the participation of an average number of 637 Representatives of the public sector, civil society, the private sector, the academy, social actors, among others. By capitalizing on this process, training on the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs) made it possible to carry out complementary work of participatory reflection, with territorial representatives from the Medenine region as well as the support of the Program of Support to the Development Local (ADL) of the UNDP, to make the link between the PQR of Medenine and the ODD. This document represents the result of this work, which reclassifies the information available in the Medenine PQR by ODD and proposes targets, indicators and a provisional monitoring and implementation mechanism, notably carried out by the Regional Directorate for Development of Medenine.
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Changing Climate, Changing Communities: Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation is a compendium of resources that provides a milestone based framework to assist local governments in the cr...
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Tools : Strategies and Plans
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This MOOC is all about the integration of different fields of knowledge within the metropolitan context. The course is set up in a unique matrix format that lets you pursue your line of interest along...