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Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2036

Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Español

The Regional Action Plan (RAP) is a regional proposal that builds on the global framework for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. The New Urban Agenda is the principal outcome document of the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Habitat III, held in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016. The implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean is fundamental to the development of all countries in the region, and to ensuring their sustainable future. The RAP proposes interventions and actions, as well as relevant policy priorities to promote sustainable urban development in the region. The Plan is a proposal to maximize the central role of cities and human settlements as motors for sustainable development in an ever-increasingly urbanized world. In order to achieve sustainable, resilient, safe and inclusive cities, the region needs routes, methodologies and tools to guide urbanization. The Plan offers a roadmap towards urban sustainable development in the region, which must be reviewed, analyzed and adapted to each national, subnational and city context. The Regional Action Plan is a valuable reference to promote and orient the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda in the region, and achieve sustainable urban development. The publication and printing of this version of the RAP was coordinated for presentation, discussion and dissemination during the Cities Conference at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile (October 2-6, 2017).

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