This MOOC is all about the integration of different fields of knowledge within the metropolitan context. The course is set up in a unique matrix format that lets you pursue your line of interest along a specific metropolitan challenge or a specific theme. You will discover possible solutions for your city’s challenges and what it takes to implement these solutions. Your participation will also contribute to wider research into metropolitan regions as complex systems. This course forms a part of the educational programme of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and is developed by Wageningen UR and TU Delft, two of the founding universities of AMS Institute.
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The GPS Guide is offered as a training material for municipal managers and civil society organizations of Brazilian cities, to support them in the implementation of plans and identification of indicat...
Developed by Programa Cidades Sustentàveis
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
This document identifies the main aspects of the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at territorial level in Colombia. For this, the most relevant results are presented in relati...
Developed by Departamento Nacional de Planeación - DN...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Strategies and Plans