Concept notes and papers
Regarding international agreements and declarations, the authors are arguing for an “urban mainstreaming” in the agenda of global institutions. They examine how the local level accepts and promotes its active role within these universal aspirations and how this could also enhance the international agenda of cities including their mutual cooperation.
Available in English
This Manual is the second volume in the series on Promoting Local Economic Development (LED) through Strategic Planning. The Manual is designed as a resource guide to walk stakeholders and local LED p...
Developed by United Nations Human Settlements Program...
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
L France is committed to sustainable development by signing its promotion by public policies in the Charter of the environment, backed by the Constitution and operationally by the enactment of laws to...
Developed by Ministère français de l'Environnement, d...
Posted by Catherine Vachia
Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation