Case studies and best practices
In September 2016 the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS) launched the report 'The 2030 Agenda: transform Catalonia, improve the world', which identifies key elements for localizing the SDGs in Catalonia. The report is not intended to represent a Government Plan for the application of the 2030 Agenda, but rather to identify the challenges contained in each SDG so that the Government can prepare a plan. Concretely, the report: - Includes a preliminary International and European diagnosis for every SDG. - Contains a target-by-target Catalana diagnosis. - Identifies the overall challenges thant need to be addressed in Catalonia for every SDG (except SDG 17 given its instrumental nature). The report was elaborated by the members of the council with the contribution of more than 60 external experts and stakeholders.
Available in English
This report highlights the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It particularly illustrates how the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG11) can be integrated with the New Urban Agenda (NUA). It...
Available in English
Policy Coherence for Development is a fundamental reference in international debates on development cooperation and aid reform. In this context, the report presented here is a contribution to this deb...
Developed by Gobierno Vasco- Eusko Jaurlaritza; Agenc...
Posted by Camila De
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