Concept notes and papers
The paper calls for the need of a full recognition of local governments as development partners occupying an equitable place in international development cooperation. It emphasizes the role of local government cooperation as effective mean to build local government capacity.
Available in English
The “Regional Conference on social inclusion and (re)integration through 2030 Agenda and SDGs”, took place on 17 and 18 April 2018 in Brdo, Slovenia focusing on the challenges in bringing 2030 Agenda...
Developed by Network of Associations of Local Authori...
Posted by UN-Habitat Local
Concept notes and papers
Available in English
Under the Capacity for the 2030 Agenda Initiative, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has been developing and delivering a series of activities, e-learning courses, face-t...
Developed by The United Nations Institute for Trainin...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Capacity Strengthening