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Recommendations to integrate the SDGs into local party manifestos


In order to develop a coherent and structural policy for sustainable development, elected officials have to know the SDGs and use them when developing policy goals and actions. Therefore, VVSG has developed recommendations for (local) politicians. These recommendations focus on integrating the SDGs into local party manifestos (process + document). Although the recommendations are developed for Flemish politicians developing their party programme for the municipal elections of October 2018, the methodologies and tools can be used worldwide. The publication is also available in Dutch:

Related Publications

Location map for the Sustainable Development Goals

Available in English

The "Road Map for location of the Sustainable Development Goals: implementation and monitoring at the subnational level," and based on that was originally developed by the Global Task Force on Local a...

Developed by United Nations Brazil

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

How Europe's towns and regions are taking the lead

Available in English

Three years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the assertion that the SDGs represent an unprecedented opportunity to improve everyday lives overall and a sustainable future for all, CEMR and PL...

Developed by Platforma, CCRE-CEMR

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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