Case studies and best practices
Sub-national cooperation acquires a fundamental role for local and regional development, its intervention capacities achieve a better territorial impact and ties are established from different instances of government, with NGOs, international organizations and society. In this regard, the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz assigns a fundamental role to the Cooperation, not only as a beneficiary institution, but also through the exercise of relations with other subnational governments. The document presented below, entitled "Model of Subnational Cooperation of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz", identifies the challenges and achievements through a progressive development of institutional capacities to assume Subnational cooperation.
Available in Español
This document describes the methodology used by the ODS Territorio Ecuador initiative to territorialize the SDGs at the local level through participatory and multisectoral dialogue spaces.
Available in Español
This document reflects the results of the survey conducted by the CoR and the OECD on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional and urban level. The survey p...
Developed by European Committee of the Regions (CoR)...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices