Case studies and best practices
Sub-national cooperation acquires a fundamental role for local and regional development, its intervention capacities achieve a better territorial impact and ties are established from different instances of government, with NGOs, international organizations and society. In this regard, the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz assigns a fundamental role to the Cooperation, not only as a beneficiary institution, but also through the exercise of relations with other subnational governments. The document presented below, entitled "Model of Subnational Cooperation of the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz", identifies the challenges and achievements through a progressive development of institutional capacities to assume Subnational cooperation.
Available in Español
This document collects the potential of Local Economic Development (LED) as an appropriate model to promote gender equality within the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. These efforts are fram...
Developed by Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desa...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in Español
This document has been drafted at the request of the Committee of the Regions, for the Fifth Assises of Decentralised Cooperation (Brussels 10 and 11 July 2017). It offers an evaluation of the relevan...
Developed by European Parliamentary Research Service...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers