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Guide for integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into local development plans


The Guide to Integrating Sustainable Development Goals into Local Development Plans is part of OIF's efforts to build the capacity of development actors to implement the SDGs. On the chain of actions contributing to the implementation of the SDGs at the community level, the guide focuses on the planning stage. Its purpose is to inform, sensitize and mobilize local leaders as well as all actors and practitioners responsible for local development on the Agenda 2030; to highlight their roles and importance in achieving the SDGs; and propose an approach to promote SDG consideration in local planning and local targeting.

Related Publications

Integrating the SDGs into policy planning - context analysis

Available in Français

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Tools : Strategies and Plans

The Mobilisation of Sub-National Revenues Is a Decisive Factor in the Realisation of the 2030 Agenda

Available in Français

This paper addresses theses and recommendations discussed in the scope of the 5th International Workshop on Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (13-14 September 2016) at the German Development Institute /...

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Concept notes and papers

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