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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

JADD Annual Rapport 2018

Case studies and best practices

** Don't publish. This is just to get the link for a story. **

Related Publications

Following Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: Initial Grant of the United Nations system in Brazil on the identification of national indicators related to Sustainable Development Goals

Available in English

This publication has been prepared under the international definition ODS process as a subsidy to the Brazilian authorities.

Developed by UNCT Brazil

Posted by Rayne Ferretti Moraes

Tools : Raising Awareness

Advocacy and Lobbying by a Local Government Association

Available in English

Decentralisation of public functions and resources brings government closer to local people. Decentralisation allows them greater influence on how government is exercised locally. Decentralisation doe...

Developed by VNG International

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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