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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

Integrated ODS Localization Project: Paraná looking at the SDGs

Case studies and best practices

Document focused on Paraná's efforts to locate the SDGs.

Related Publications

Video animation - learning about SDG5

Available in Español

Lets make cities with and for women! SDG 5 is to ensure GENDER EQUALITY. Learn why this Goal depends on local governments.

Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Decentralized cooperation to democratize cities: Project to improve the institutional capacities of local authorities in Brazil and Mozambique as actors of decentralised cooperation

Available in Español

Project to improve the institutional capacities of local authorities in Brazil and Mozambique as actors of decentralised cooperation

Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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