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CITIZEN SECURITY. Service line: Local management

Guidance and systemization of experiences

The guide presents the services offered by the UNDP in local management of citizen security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Related Publications

Manual for Local Adaptation of the Sustainable Development Objectives

Available in Español

The main objective of the Manual is to provide guidelines and methodological suggestions for local planning and management. It addresses issues related to institutional capacity building, as a key asp...

Developed by Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Polí...

Posted by Renata Codas

Tools : Strategies and Plans

Ambassadors Peru Agenda 2030

Available in Español

The Ambassador Program Peru Agenda 2030 seeks to strengthen the process of building capacity and actions of CSOs in the framework of Agenda 2030 to involve and local citizens in the process of impleme...

Developed by The Millenials Movement

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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