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Implementation Guide for the Local Economic Development: Capitalization of the experience of local development houses

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This implementation guide LED territorial level meets the need of MDL stabilize a framework both conceptual and methodological context of LEDs following the difficulties encountered in the operationalization of the LEDs. He follows the experiment, among others, several tools and implementation of instruments in the Louga region.

Related Publications

Local Economic Development - For use of African local elected

Available in Français

This methodological guide is published by the French Development Agency in collaboration with the Local Economic Development Network Africa (LEDNA) related to Cities and Local Governments of Africa (U...

Developed by Assemblée des départements de France (AD...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Territorial / Multi-Stakeholder Approach

Guide to Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisations (RIS 3)

Available in Français

The document provides general orientation on how to prepare for and how to design, draft and implement a national/regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3).

Developed by European Commission (EC)

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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