Guidance and systemization of experiences
This training package aims at strengthening the capacity of those working in the land sector to deliver robust and efficient land administration services. The package provides practical information and practice-based Tools to Support and strengthen transparency in land administration in three ways: First, the training kit provides users with vital background information to enhance their knowledge on the impacts of corruption, the benefits of transparency and its relationship to the land sector. Second, a range of flexible tools to facilitate and strengthen transparency and accountability are outlined. Third, a series of globally sourced, ‘real life’ case studies are included to help inform participants about corruption challenges in the land sector and encourage ideas for change. There are also a number of ‘good practice’ case studies that demonstrate how innovative approaches and tools can substantially improve transparency in land administration and promote good service delivery to citizens.
Available in English
This report is aimed at highlighting Suwon's efforts in sustainable development, providing as well a more concrete vision on the citie's effort with regards to SDG11.
Developed by Suwon Research Institute, ICLEI Korea Of...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
The Guide is meant to support UNDP Country Offices in countries considered as fragile or already affected by high levels of violence, instability and/or conflict (including post-conflict countries). T...
Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences