Concept notes and papers
In 2016, the Habitat III conference will set a New Urban Agenda of the United Nations for the next 20 years. This will shape national urban agendas worldwide. This brief explains how four major processes and landmark events in 2015 addressing disaster risk reduction (Sendai Framework/ HFA2), financing for development (AAAA), global sustainable development goals (SDGs), and the new post-2020 climate regime (COP21) have set the scene and will shape this new global agenda for cities and local governments in the years to come.
Available in English
A situation assessment of seven Latin American and Caribbean countries has been carried out in terms of their situation regarding the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS), identifying the lines of...
Developed by Agencia Española de Cooperación Internac...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
In 2015 the Region has started an overall effort of research, analysis and classification of Tuscany’s territorial cooperation experiences in view of better structuring and capitalizing on its decentr...