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African perspective on Disaster Risk Reduction. Working towards a disaster-prepared African continent

Case studies and best practices

The Gravitazz Publication Series entitled African Perspectives on Disaster Risk Reduction presents a selection of articles drawing from the institute’s extensive network of experts on the African continent with the purpose of providing compelling research-based knowledge on DRR in order to inform the scientific community, media, policy and decision-makers as well as the broader public on pressing topics and future research areas in this particular field.

Related Publications

Local Economic Development and Gender: An Agenda for a more Equal and Inclusive Local Development Where No One Is Left Behind

Available in English

This document collects the potential of Local Economic Development (LED) as an appropriate model to promote gender equality within the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. These efforts are fram...

Developed by Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desa...

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Trans-Saharan labour emigration from Niger: Local governance as mediator of its underlying causes and consequences

Available in English

This report reviews the existing literature of trans-Saharan labour emigration from Niger both conducted by Nigeriens but also by other West Africans, given Niger’s importance as a country of transit....

Developed by Swedish International Centre for Local D...

Posted by Maria Jansson

Case studies and best practices

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